"Daily Painting: Paint Small and Often To Become a More Creative, Productive, and Successful Artist"
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This is a book I wrote (published in 2014) about the art and business of painting daily. I've been on this path myself now since 2006. It has greatly accelerated my growth as an artist and my career as well!
Here is the "official" book description:
Do you want to bring the joy back into your art?
Have you landed in a frustrating rut? Are you having trouble selling paintings in galleries, getting bogged down by projects you can’t seem to finish or abandon, or finding excuses to avoid working in the studio? Author Carol Marine knows exactly how you feel—she herself suffered from painter’s block, until she discovered “daily painting.” The idea is simple: do art (usually small) often (how often is up to you), and if you’d like, post and sell it online. Soon you’ll find that your block dissolves and you’re painting work you love—and more of it than you ever thought possible!
With her encouraging tone and useful exercises, Marine teaches you to:
-Master composition and value
-Become confident in any medium
-Choose subjects wisely
-Stay fresh and loose
-Photograph, post, and sell your art online
-Become connected to the growing movement of daily painters around the world
Huffington Post, Arts & Culture
Lines and Colors
Professional Artist Magazine (Feb/Mar 2015 issue)
Book Page (under Creative License)
Batch of Books
Artists & Illustrators Magazine (Book of the Month - January 2015)
Amazon reviews
A few reviews reprinted from Amazon:
"One of the best art books I have ever read! It is informative and well written plus sprinkled with good humor! A great read for any artist. Beautifully done!"
"I own many art instruction books. It is rare to find one that gives you REAL guidance in plain language with doses of both humor and honesty. This has quickly become one of my favorite art books. It has also helped me break out of my artist block slump with a vengeance. Buy it NOW!"
-Guy C. Benson "Vanyar"
"This book has inspired me in more ways than I can begin to explain. Inspired, motivated, encouraged, educated ... and besides all of that ... it's a totally enjoyable read full of great art. When you don't know what to do next ... browse this book. It will help you to jump start to the next phase of your art. I recommend this to any artist of any age."
-Kindle Customer "LA"
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 - How Daily Painting Changed My Life (And Can Change Yours Too!)
Chapter 2 - My Materials
Chapter 3 - Subject Matters
Chapter 4 - Value
Chapter 5 - Color Mixing
Chapter 6 - Drawing & Proportion
Chapter 7 - Composition
Chapter 8 - Staying Fresh and Loose with Oil
Chapter 9 - Fighting Artist's Block
Chapter 10 - How to Photograph and Edit Small Paintings
Chapter 11 - Tips for Better Online Sales
Length: 192 pages
Available in paperback or Kindle
# of contributing artsts: 52
Publisher: Watson Guptill
Sold by: Random House LLC
Images: (click to enlarge)
I am thinking about ordering the book on Amazon coming out Nov.4 Question; do you include the material in your online tutorials in this book?
Hi Janice! Yes, a lot of the material in my book is stuff that is also in my ArtBytes.
Hello Carol,
I'm very interested in getting your new book "Daily Painting", but is it suitable for watermedia painters? I paint with watercolors and acrylic only... Thanks!
Hi Sze! I think you'll find you'll be able to relate to most everything in my book. I have just one chapter that is specific to oil. : )
I just got my copy and it is beautiful and detailed, and helpful and inspiring. I was in your Aug. workshop and this book is solid reinforcement. The workshop was great and so is your book. Many congratulations on the layout/design and the writing.
Carol, I got your book and am really enjoying it. Very informative .
Hi Carol, Your latest book arrived today. It looks great! Thank you for writing it. You are very generous. I look forward to reading it.
Hi Carol, Is your book still available for the price mentioned on AHA and if it is, how do I get one?
Hi Susan! I'm sorry this reply is coming SO late (I've been away teaching)! Yes, you can still get my instructional book, Daily Painting, for the price mentioned on AHA. Just go to Amazon and search for "Daily Painting" or "Carol Marine." Thanks!
Hi, Carol! Your book arrived a couple days ago and it was worth every penny. Well done! The only way I can survive Wisconsin winters is to hunker down in my cozy, well lit basement studio and paint. Your book will help alot!! Pat Wafer - Madison, Wi.
Hi Carol, well I just bought your book but it's a Christmas gift to me from my husband . . . and I will NOT open it, I repeat, I will NOT even look inside until Christmas! So, thanks from the future! Love your blog! ~ Meg
I am like Meg. I even told my husband to wrap it up so I would have one present under the tree that will be a surprise to open. lol
Such a wonderful book! As much as I love books, as someone who works in a library, I don't frequently buy them. I am so glad I did with this one! I am learning a lot from reading it and will be glad to have it close to refer back to. I am so glad that you share so much of your process online and in print. So inspiring! Thanks
I bought this book a few weeks ago and have read through it a couple time already. It is wonderful! I too have several art books that I really like but this is definitely one of the most useful and practical. I love it. I am currently going through the exercises and learning a great deal. Would highly recommend it!
I am currently half way through your book, and I just wanted to say that as a hobby painter I have learned a lot already. Especially the sections about values and colors were insightful to me. I only just googled your website but will look forward to reading your blog and have a look at all your work.
-Susanna K
HI Carol, I just wanted to say thank you for your great book - your no nonsense, get down to what counts info is just perfect! It helped me quickly round up what I needed to get started and your step by step guidelines make me feel set up for success. No more poor compositions where I cant understand what isn't working - and i cant believe no one ever taught me about viewfinders! You've inspired and motivated me to get back to painting after an 8 or so year hiatus - thank you to bits for being so generous with your experience and knowledge!
I bought this book for myself…it's amazing.
Communication channels have changed and so have the ways an artist can connect to their audience. This book shows you the way you can do this, realistically and with plenty of tips for getting on in an online environment.
Love the book. Has helped me change gear in my painting and drawing.
Dear Carol,
I have just purchased, read, re-read, and will continue to absorb, analyze, and apply, your book, DAILY PAINTING. I have just one word for it: Life Changing!
That is not an idle gesture on my part because I am 82 years old. I had pretty much expected the next change in my life to be going from perpendicular to horizontal. We also have had similar experiences art-wise. When I was young I was frequently sketching cartoons and the like. When I was in high school I became art editor of our high school year book (woo-hoo). At that time I was painting in oils on Masonite. When it came to college I was a pre-med major, but that didn’t work out, so I ended up in Art
Like you, the instructors stressed thinking and painting big, stretching your own canvasses and experimenting. Think big… let your imagination soar. They were all preaching the same slash and dash non-objective German style expressionism. I couldn’t draw a straight line. If I had it to do over, I would go to a specialized art school or apprentice to a successful artist.
Move forward about 60-years and I have been married 56 years to a beautiful young lady who is now in end stage Alzheimer’s Disease. She was an art major and taught elementary and high school art. My art was on hold while I was busy making a living. But now with her in a nursing home, I took up painting again.
This is what I learned from your book:
Paint small – don’t waste physical and emotional capital on epic size work
Paint often – it’s a truth; you get better when you exercise on a regular basis.
Paint a variety of subjects – variety helps sharpen your eye to the hidden gem.
Your book introduced me to Gesso Bord. I had been using canvas board, but the tooth is too prominent for small works.
Your sections on the basics of painting and art in general: tone, value, composition, etc were excellent. These basics are what we all know, but often fail to practice.
This book forced me to take stock of myself. I found that I watch TV for up to 6-hours a day, and spend another 2-hours dreaming about all the things I could be doing if I had the time. I have finished my first “daily painting.” Time wise, I have a total of about two hours on it. But I painted on it every day! It just took me four days.
Some day when I feel quality warrants, I might try posting to a blog for all the world to see. Until then, thank-you!
John Bircher in Cincinnati, OH
Book is really really great!
But I have a question -- she talks about a 39W 2800K flood by Sylvania - does anyone know the actual product # or what I look for on the box - searches are bringing up all kinds of lights!
Book is fabulous and so easy to understand - question: I want to acquire the Sylvania bulb she mentions - when I put in the info she gives I get a huge selection of bulbs - anyone know the actual product number or what is on the box?
p.s. I lost a complete home to a hurricane and then I lost the next one&pet to a fire. Art keeps me sane - I know you can relate! Your book is wonderful.
Thank you all so much for the wonderful reviews!!!
Claudia, unfortunately the lights that are available keep changing. My Sylvania bulb broke recently and I couldn't find a replacement! I ended up getting a Phillips. Here's what you want to make sure of - get any halogen flood bulb, with a Kelvin (K) anywhere from 2800K to 3000K, and something less than 50W (watts) (otherwise it will be too hot and it will literally cook your props). I found my latest one on Amazon, but you can also try Home Depot, Lowes, or any store like that. I hope that helps! Feel free to email me directly - me@carolmarine.com.
Carol, thank you for your inspirational book! I haven't felt so excited about painting for a long long time. I read it cover to cover in two days... making use of the time while my little boy slept. I have just finished my first attempt and created a new blog for it's photo to sit on... I'm not ready to put anything out there for sale as I'm just playing at the moment but there is (of course) a sales twinkle in my eye too!
Thank you Carol for this amazing book. I own many art and art technique books and this has got to be one of best art books I have ever bought. I am definitely going to put your advice into practice. Thanks again for being such an inspiration.
Hi Carol, first off I just wanted to say I bought your daily painting book and love your approach! As an ADHD beginner artist, painting small has been incredibly productive and it feels great to actually FINISH paintings.
Quick question: is there any way I can still access your "tomatoes and plate" tutorial? (The corresponding video for your in-book tutorial). I followed the provided link to your blog and daily paintworks and saw that it's no longer listed in your tutorials.
Hi Alex and thank you! Unfortunately there is no video/tutorial for "tomatoes and plate". There are only the progression photos in the book.
Thanks for the quick response Carol!
I've got one more question if you don't mind: my biggest issues right now are my work not "looking" like your work. I cant quite get your brushstrokes or style down. I'm also still building color theory knowledge and I can't always match your colors. I'm also using your limited pallette.
With that said, should I purchase your voice-overed orange slice and apple demos first, or would i get more out of your videos on painting fast & loose and color saturations?
they all sound useful so I was wondering what order you'd recommend them in? (Poor student artist hehe)
Thanks again for everything Carol!
Hi again, Alex! If you've read my book then you've already got most of the material in "Keep Your Oils Fresh and Loose" and "Saturation and Color Mixing." I would definitely recommend watching the demo video next. Ps. I have a few more videos in the works - they should be out in the next few weeks! : )
Hi Carol,
I just wanted to thank you for sharing so much of your self in your book. Your journey is inspiring and your experience is invaluable. I bought your book along with Kevin MacPherson's "Fill you Oil Paintings with Light and Color" and have started a journey of 100 starts...(small paintings to improve laying down correct color notes from the start). I've read and referred to your book multiple times in my efforts to improve my work. I've been working in oils for just over a year (pastels before that) and have only done 8 "small studies" so far, but I sold two and am pretty excited to not only be improving quickly, but to have smaller works that are affordable for anyone who wants original art work and can't afford my larger pieces. Thanks again and happy painting! Alice Hauser
Hi Carol
I have several art books on my shelf but I have to say yours is about the only one I have read cover to cover. It is so informative and you are very generous with your online selling tips, something I had dabbled with but wasn't sure which way to go. I have now had two sales and I have just put a painting for auction in Daily Paintworks. Thank you so much for all your inspiration.
Hi Carol
I have several art books on my shelf but I have to say that yours is about the only one that I have read cover to cover. I found it to be very encouraging and I have to thank you for being so generous with your tips about online selling. This is something I dabbled in as I wasn't sure of the best way to do it. Thanks to you I have now had my first two sales and I have just put a painting in Daily Paintworks auction. That's the scary bit - I didn't want to start at $1 as I don't want to 'give' it away but didn't want to start too high as to put people off.
Thank you again for your inspiration, Mo
Je découvre votre blog et votre peinture, j'aimerais beaucoup acheter votre livre mais je ne sais pas lire l'Anglais!!!! C'est vraiment dommage car je pense que cela aurait pu m'aider à moins de le traduire sur Google traduction.
Encore bravo pour vos créations
Hi Carol,
I am buying your book for my wife for the holidays. I wanted to also get her some canvas to start. Can you provide the type/size of canvas so I can buy some for her to start?
David, there are lots of different surface options. I like Ampersand Gessobords, which have a relatively smooth surface. Another option is to get a variety of surfaces for her to try - Raymarart.com has a sample pack like this, with both cotton and linen panels. My book is all about small paintings, so I would recommend anything in the range of 6x6, 5x7, 6x4, or 8x8 panels. I wish your wife lots of luck! : )
I love your Daily Painting book and daily painting website; I have bought a lot of art books in the past 2 years and yours remains one of my favourites:)) I did 27 animal portraits in 2 months and think that I definitely improved. Thank you.
Thank you for writing this book. It has helped me conquer my fear of getting started and helped me in so many other ways that it would take an essay to explain. I started a blog this week, joined DPW and today I made my first sale after posting only a few days ago. Now I'm trying to figure out how to make sure my little 6x6" panel gets to my buyer safely. I'm so new at this I don't even have business cards yet. I want to attend one of your workshops but they are booked up. Hope you will have more. Your book and blog have changed my life and I'm really learning and enjoying my art. Thank you!
Hi Carol! I'm so excited that I came across your book on Amazon.ca! I compared it to other instruction books. I liked what your readers had said about your book and have just put in my order. I can't wait to get my hands on it! I've been in a slump for over 6 months. I read that your book has helped other painters who are also going through a dry spell. Thank you for encouraging others to express themselves!
Re-reading your book; just have to say it is one of the best, inspirational and loaded with solid technical advice.-
Hi, I recently bought your book after my wife and I came across it at the Mall Galleries RI exhibition in London. I've been painting full time, (amazingly like you), since 2006 ! My paintings have always been quite big and take up to about 2 weeks to paint. Like you I have found galleries are closing and it's very difficult to get into any or sell anything ! I used to have an account with ArtGallery.co.uk and thought I would give online sales a go again. So I took out an account again with them but selling smaller paintings through them as they can be packed and posted much more cheaply. This is where your book came in. It was really inspirational in confirming what I had just started to do but didn't realise all the other advantages. The paintings can be made in a day (more or less) they are easier to store, as you've said, I'm not worried if one doesn't work or sell as I've not invested much time in it. They do require just the same amount of skill as a big painting and I've now gone over to some extent with painting with acrylic inks and experimented with watercolour paper which I never used before. So thank you for making such a good inspirational book. Best wishes, Tony Lilley
Hi Carol,
I just got your Daily Painting book for my birthday and I'm learning so much already. I do acrylics and pastels as a hobby for fun in my retirement with no formal training, only workshops. I've never sold my art, and I'd like your suggestions of how to donate it.I know I could do Goodwill. Any other ideas or websites that might help me share my art with others and declutter my house? Thanks for the inspiration. I'm excited to get started on those 10,0000 hours of painting!
Hi Joan! There are often charity events in every town that involve auctioning off donated art. You might check around to see if there's anything like that you can donate to. I've given to those. I've also given quite a bit of art to friends and family. : )
I'm reading Daily Painting now. Is there a l8nk here somewhere for the Panel Holder?
Hi Ronnie Maiden! Here's the link for the panel holder:
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